
Intelligent Autonomous UV Disinfecting

Robot Development

The ViroFighter is a next-generation intelligent disinfecting robot developed through collaboration between ELTE-Soft Kft. and Európai Tudásközpont Kft. to aid in combating the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, ELTE faculty and students have been involved in its development and continue to participate in its operation within a jointly managed mechatronics laboratory. The global pandemic has highlighted the critical importance of general hygiene and, specifically, regular disinfection. Meeting the growing demand for a safe, microorganism-free indoor environment can only be sustainably achieved with effective solutions, such as an autonomous disinfecting robot.

While first-generation disinfecting robots with built-in eco-friendly UV lamps are already available on the international market and help inactivating microorganisms, the ViroFighter, a domestically developed second-generation UV disinfecting robot, incorporates numerous advanced, unique solutions. These innovations significantly enhance its effectiveness and establish a completely new standard for the operation of autonomous disinfecting robots.

A nemzetközi piacon ugyan már elérhetőek az első generációs fertőtlenítő robotok, melyek a beépített környezetbarát UV lámpáik segítségével inaktiválják a mikroorganizmusokat, ám a ViroFighter hazai fejlesztésű második generációs UV fertőtlenítő robot számos olyan előremutató egyedi megoldást alkalmaz, mely nagyságrendekkel teszi hatékonyabbá a felhasználását, és helyezi teljesen új alapokra az önjáró fertőtlenítő robotok működtetését.

Advantages of the ViroFighter:

The ViroFighter features several structural and mechanical solutions that were developed for the first time in the realm of self-driving disinfectant robots, making them unique on a global scale. Currently, the ViroFighter is the smallest and lightest autonomous UV disinfectant robot in the world, which allows for easy portability and transport upstairs in buildings without elevators. Its compact size makes it ideal not only for disinfecting any indoor space but also for disinfecting vehicles such as metros, buses, trams, airplanes, and ships. Its efficiency is further enhanced by a replaceable battery that enables up to 24 hours of continuous operation.

There is a significantly larger difference in terms of software: only the ViroFighter uses artificial intelligence (AI) based self-learning image recognition and processing functions, as well as automatic route planning and disinfection control modules that utilize this information. These functions fully automate not only the disinfection process but also the previously laborious and resource-intensive setup. The AI also enhances safe usage: disinfection automatically stops if the robot detects a person or animal nearby.

The ViroFighter has two modes of operation:

  • Autonomous Disinfection: The robot can be sent into the area to be disinfected, such as a room, corridor, or wing of a building, and will start disinfection if no people are present. It can detect and navigate around obstacles on its own, optimizing the disinfection of the entire area.

  • Manual Disinfection: The robot can be deployed without any preparation, as it can be controlled safely from a distance using its built-in cameras. During manual disinfection, the robot learns and stores the disinfection route automatically, making it available for future use.