About Us
Since 2008, ELTE-Soft Nonprofit Ltd. has been actively engaged in the ICT research, development, and education sector, working closely with the Faculty of Informatics at Eötvös Loránd University. The goal is to leverage the knowledge accumulated at ELTE and make it accessible to market participants, thereby contributing to the success of professionals in both the business and public sectors.
The expert team at ELTE-Soft has been involved in industrial and government research for decades, solving complex development tasks that require high levels of expertise and experience. Through the results of our work, we support our partners in enhancing their market competitiveness.

Our Team
Research & Training & Consulting
Gergely Bencsik PhD
Systems analyst
István Bozó PhD
Tibor Gregorics PhD
Balázs Pintér PhD
Zoltán Pödör PhD
Systems analyst
Zoltán Porkoláb PhD hab.
Researcher, project leader
Ferenc Koppány Rózsa
Project assistant
Ádám Tarcsi
Researcher, project leader
Business development, Finance & Administration

Krisztina Menyhárd-Balázs PhD
Forr the past 11 years, the Faculty of Informatics at ELTE she has been responsible for providing legal support to the European Institute of Innovation & Technology’s Digital project groups, monitoring working materials and legislative changes, and assisting with industrial collaboration agreements, data management, confidentiality, and intellectual property matters. The topic of her PhD dissertation focused on: “How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Reduce Risk: Opportunities and Concerns Related to AI in the Evolution of Lending and Insurance Regulation.” This thesis evolved into an interdisciplinary research project between the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Informatics. She has also studied at the ELTE Faculty of Law, the University of Göttingen, and Suffolk University.
Resarch, Training & Consulting

Gergely Bencsik PhD
Systems analyst

István Bozó PhD
He is a research fellow at the Faculty of Informatics at ELTE and a leading researcher in the RefactorErl project. Each year, he introduces hundreds of students to functional programming. His research focuses on the static analysis of functional and distributed programs. Currently, his primary interest is in examining software security vulnerabilities.

Tibor Gregorics PhD
He is an associate professor at the Faculty of Informatics at ELTE, the head of the Department of Programming Theory and Software Technology, and the deputy director of education at the Institute of Computer Science. He is also the leader of the MLforSE research group. His research areas include artificial intelligence, programming theory, and programming methodology.

Balázs Pintér PhD
He is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Informatics at ELTE and the lead researcher of the MLforSE research group. His research focuses on applying artificial intelligence—especially deep learning—to software technology. Currently, he is examining the code interpretation capabilities of large language models, program transformations, and code decompilation. He serves as a reviewer for NeurIPS, ICLR, and ICML conferences, and has been recognized as one of the top reviewers at ICML on two occasions.

Zoltán Pödör PhD
Systems analyst
In 1999, he graduated in Szeged as a high school teacher specializing in mathematics and computer science, and later in 2004, as a programming mathematician. He earned his PhD in 2014, focusing on the study of time series. Since 2020, he has been an associate professor in the Department of Numerical Analysis at ELTE’s Faculty of Informatics. Starting in 2024, he joined ELTE-Soft, where he works as a systems analyst.

Zoltán Porkoláb PhD Habile
Researcher, project leader

Ferenc Koppány Rózsa
Project assistant
In 2024, he earned his BSc degree in Software Engineering from Szombathely.
He is currently pursuing his MSc studies at the same institution.

Ádám Tarcsi
Researcher, Project leader
He has been working at the Faculty of Informatics at ELTE since 2008 and has been a researcher in the Department of Data Science and Data Technology since 2019, participating in over 20 national and international R&D&I projects. Since 2012, he has been involved in supporting startups, assisting emerging companies in various Hungarian and international consortia and startup accelerators. In 2016, he founded the IoT & Data Innovation Lab at the Faculty of Informatics at ELTE. He is the project lead of the Data-EDIH project, which launched in 2022.

Máté Tejfel PhD
Researcher, Project leader
He is a habilitated associate professor at the Faculty of Informatics at ELTE and the Deputy Director for Educational Affairs at the University-Enterprise Cooperation Institute. He is one of the lead researchers of the P4 project. His research focuses on the static analysis and refactoring of the P4 language, as well as the runtime estimation of P4 programs.

Melinda Tóth PhD
Researcher, Project leader
She is the head of the ELTE-Ericsson Software Technology Lab, a senior research fellow at the Faculty of Informatics at ELTE, and the director of the Center for Cooperation in Information Technology Research and Education (IKKK). She is also the lead of the RefactorErl project. Her research and teaching activities focus on functional and distributed programming, as well as their static analysis and transformation. Currently, she is actively engaged in the field of software security.
Business development, Finance & Administration

Zoltán Nádudvari
Product manager
He graduated from the University of Debrecen as a programming mathematician and mathematics-physics teacher, and later earned a degree in Business Administration from Corvinus University. Over the past 20 years, he has worked as a project manager, systems organizer, and product development leader in various fields of IT.
Our Mission
The mission of ELTE-Soft is to connect the knowledge accumulated at ELTE and other universities with market needs in real-time.
Strengthening industrial-academic relationships, building ecosystems, and enhancing the quality of education and research through industrial R&D and innovation projects are of paramount importance to us.
Our goal is to meet our partners’ needs, from consultancy and education to the execution of research and development tasks, while ensuring compliance with regulatory and supervisory requirements (e.g., data, legal) in addition to achieving the set objectives.